Amanda Spivak

Affiliation: University of Georgia (UGA)
Address: []
Orcid: 0000-0001-6743-0783

Project: Eutrophication Effects on Sediment Metabolism and Benthic Algal-bacterial Coupling: An Application of Novel Techniques in a LTER Estuary (20 datasets)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Sediment PLFA isotope values from Massachusetts collected from 2012-2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-02Final no updates expected
Raw sediment C isotope values collected in Massachusetts from 2012 to 2015

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-02Final no updates expected
Water and oxygen metabolism flux data from two tidal creeks on Plum Island, Massachusetts during 2012.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Water temperature data from stable isotope labeling experiments conducted from 2012.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Raw benthic chlorophyll and phaeophytin data from cores collected in Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Deployment history of sensors recording dissolved oxygen from Massachusetts from 2012.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Raw concentrations of individual PLFA compounds from Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
PAR data from stable isotope experiments conducted in Massachusetts from 2012.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Wind speed, temperature, and PAR observations from Massachusetts from 2012-2015.

Role: Principal Investigator

2016-12-08Final no updates expected
Noble gas concentrations and saturations from Marsh Pond in Massachusetts, USA from 2014.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2016-12-19Final no updates expected
Data describing oxygen, temperature, and salinity in Marsh Pond in Massachusetts from 2014.

Role: Co-Principal Investigator

2016-12-19Final no updates expected
Isotopic composition of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Concentrations of phospholipid-linked fatty acids (PLFAs) in the surface sediments of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Bulk sediment organic matter composition of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Suspended particulate organic matter composition of three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Organic matter composition of the dominant plants in and around three marsh ponds in PIE-LTER (Rowley, MA) from 2014.

Role: Principal Investigator

2018-06-05Final no updates expected
Bulk soil and elemental properties of marsh and infilled pond soils collected in 2014-2015 within Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-11-13Final no updates expected
Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) C isotope values of soils collected in 2014-2015 within Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-10-21Final no updates expected
Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) temperature and carbon dioxide evolved values of soils collected in 2014-2015 within Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-10-21Final no updates expected
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy raw spectra of soils collected in 2014-2015 within Plum Island Ecosystems LTER

Role: Principal Investigator

2020-10-21Final no updates expected