Data were collected from an ECOpuck fluorometer on Wire Flyer deployments R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-03 in the Costa Rica Margin from October to November 2018. The data have not been corrected for any time lags. The Chl and turbidity are from a Wet Labs Flbb-2k (470/695 nm Chl-a and 700nm turbidity). Refer to the Supplemental Files for more information on the Wire Flyer.
The Wire Flyer position was calculated using measurements of the clump weight depth and the wire payout. The layback distance is the Flyer's distance behind the ship. The raw count values were converted with the following coefficients:
self.lcm_msg.turb = self.turb_scalefactor * (turb_data - self.turb_darkcount)
self.lcm_msg.chl = self.chloro_scalefactor * (chloro_data - self.chloro_darkcount)
Known Problems/Issues:
There is an asymmetry between the up and down directions, likely due to the flow over the sensor. We have not yet determined a correction for this.